Join the 3M Tapes and Adhesives experts!

Free Metal Bonding Webinar: Lighter, more durable and better looking. That's bonding with tapes and adhesives. Learn how to replace mechanical fasteners in your metal constructions. Wednesday 16th February at 10am GMT

Join us for our upcoming webinar 'Bonding/Gluing Metal'

For manufacturers, metals are cost-effective, perform well across a wider range of temperatures, show fairly good weather resistance and have excellent strength. End users trust metals: they’re solid and sturdy, cool to the touch and can look cool to the eye. Metals can provide any look you want, from gritty industrial to high tech alloys.

There are seemingly endless ways to shape or process metals: casting, stamping, bending, drawing – even a blacksmith’s forge. You know all this because you know about metal and why you’ve chosen it for your design. We know about metal too, but what we really know is how to bond metal.

Join us for the 'Bonding/Gluing Metal' webinar on Wednesday 16th February 2022 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM GMT.

To register please click Here.